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School Improvement Plan


A School Improvement Plan (SIP) or School Development Plan (SDP) is a central document used by Senior Leadership teams to map out their strategic plans for the development of their school.

Student Learning in Reading

SMART Goal Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

ALL Students

• In 2024, 56.4% of students met or exceeded on the ELA IAR assessment, 18% of students were at the approaching level.

• In 2025, 65.4% of students will meet or exceed on the ELA IAR assessment. (moving ½ of the students who were approaching to meeting or exceeding)

English Learners

• In 2024…25% of EL students scored a 4, 5, or 6 on the writing portion of the ACCESS test.

• By spring of 2025, as measured on ACCESS, the following percentage of EL students attaining a 4, 5, 6 score in writing will increase by 10% (from 25%-35%)

Students with IEPs

• In 2024, 20.9% of students with IEPs in grades 3, 4 and 5 were meeting expectations on the IAR ELA assessment. 

• By Spring of 2025, as measured on the IAR ELA assessment, 33% of students with an IEP in grades 3, 4 and 5 will meet or exceed expectations.

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person

Tier 1/2: Utilize WIN (30 min. daily) to determine small groups to address speaking and writing development (specifically for our EL students).


Classroom Teachers

Students will utilize iPads to practice/develop speaking skills (specifically for our EL students) in order to enhance their writing skills.

Ongoing All Teachers
Students (including part-time EL)  will practice reading/language arts skills using iReady Reading on their iPads. They will be monitored using the iReady diagnostic every trimester. Full time EL students will be monitored using the Imagine Learning app (30 min/day or 10 lessons by December and 20 lessons within the school year) to practice reading/language arts skills. Ongoing All Teachers
Tier 1/2/3: PLC teams will meet with the instructional coach, school psychologist, interventionists, and the principal, once per trimester for a “data day”. Once per Trimester School Psychologist
Tier 1: Teachers will utilize the book room to level students in reading groups, and they will use decodable readers to help teach foundational reading skills. Ongoing Classroom Teachers
Tier 1: Classroom teachers will utilize classroom library book sets to increase student opportunity for choice and sustained independent reading time. Ongoing Classroom Teachers

Tier 3?: The special education program will implement new specialized curriculum for students with IEPs.

Ongoing SPED Teachers
Tier 3: 67% of 1st-5th grade general education students who score below the 30%tile on Fall Reading Fastbridge and Reading MAP assessments will receive Tier 3 reading intervention using Benchmark Phonics Instruction and LLI  to build foundational skills and fill instructional gaps. Ongoing Reading Interventionist
Tier 1: Use Title 1 funds to increase parent involvement through Family Reading Night where families will receive books and a reading strategies handout to keep and utilize at home.    



Student learning in Math

SMART Goal Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

ALL Students

• In 2024…54% of students met or exceeded on the Math IAR assessment. 26% of students were at the approaching level.

•In 2025…63% of students will meet or exceed on the Math IAR assessment. (moving ⅓ of the students who were approaching to meeting or exceeding)

English Learners

• In 2024…4 EL students were meeting expectations on the IAR Math assessment. 

• By Spring of 2025, as measured on IAR Math assessment, 8 EL students will meet expectations.

Students with IEPs

• In 2024, 17% of students with an IEP in grades 3, 4 and 5 were meeting or exceeding expectations on the IAR Math assessment. 

• By Spring of 2025, as measured on the IAR Math assessment, 25% of students with an IEP in grades 3, 4 and 5 will meet expectations.

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person
Tier 1: Teachers will utilize iReady math following a diagnostic benchmark assessment that creates an individualized learning path to fill in specific learning gaps 3 times a week.


Classroom Teachers

Tier 3: 94% of 1st-5th general education students who scored below the 30%tile on Fall Math Fastbridge and Math MAP Fall assessments will receive Tier 3 math intervention using Math Recovery and Bridges Intervention to build foundational skills and fill instructional gaps.

Ongoing Math Interventionist
Tier 1: Students will take regular Bridges checkpoints and unit assessments, with data being monitored by classroom teachers in Forefront, to establish student groupings and address learning gaps. Ongoing Classroom Teachers
Tier 1/2: Utilize WIN (30 min. daily) to reteach and extend learning in small groups based on benchmark data and unit assessments. Ongoing Classroom Teachers
Tier 1/2/3: PLC teams will meet with the instructional coach, school psychologist, interventionists, and the principal, once per trimester to interpret data to drive decision-making. Once per trimester School Psychologist
Tier 1: Use Title 1 funds to increase parent involvement through Family Math Night where families will receive manipulatives and activities to use at home. Fall and Spring Classroom Teachers and Math Interventionist

Tier 3?: The special education program will implement new specialized curriculum for students with IEPs.

Ongoing Special Education Teachers


Student social emotional well-being

SMART Goal Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

Current Data as of August 2024:

• 37% fully implemented on TFI

SMART Goal for May 2025

• 50% Fully Implemented on TFI OR Fully Implemented Specific Features of Tier 1 TFI:

*Move from a score of 0 to 1 in the following specific features:

  • Discipline Policies

  • Student/Family/Community Involvement

  • Discipline Data

  • Fidelity Data

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person
Tier 1/2: Weekly classroom SEL curriculum lessons (Second Step) serve as our tier one SEL curriculum. We will also utilize various Second Step lessons for tier two reteaching when necessary.


Classroom Teachers

Tier 1: Leveraging Title One funds to provide SEL activities such as parent nights, field trips, and assemblies.


Classroom Teachers

Tier 1: All certified staff will learn to enter discipline data into Infinite Campus consistently


Certified Staff

Tier 1: Team leaders will utilize and analyze discipline data entered into IC to make Tier I SEL decisions


Team Leaders

Tier 1/2: Team Leaders and MTSS teams will utilize SAEBRS data to identify needs and interventions at Tier I, II


Team Leaders & MTSS Team

Tier 2: Develop MTSS systems including creating entrance and exit criteria for Tier II SEL intervention (CICO, SEL intervention group, Cardinal Class)


Team Leaders & MTSS Team

Tier 1: Written communication to parents describing PBIS and the different tiers of support.


Team Leaders

Tier 2: Parent communication when a child is participating in a tier 2 intervention and communicating the skills they are focusing on. Ongoing Tier 2 Interventionist



The team

Team Member Name Role

Bradley Stein


Shannon Oklepek


Cari Tripoli Kindergarten

Eileen O’Brien

First Grade

Kathy Schaefer

First Grade

Bailey Stearns

Second Grade

Jennifer Sharko

Third Grade

Maria Djurdjevic

Fourth Grade

David Becker

Fifth Grade

Mary Prost


Lisa Butera

Math Interventionist

Antonia Martorelli Structured Teaching (STEP)

Jackie Fuentes

English Language Resource