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Latest News
Music therapy is offered at Terrace Elementary School through the STEP (Structured Teaching Education Program) every other week.
- Terrace
Terrace News is a student-led broadcast that is shown in classrooms each morning.
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Terrace Elementary School fourth and fifth graders have the opportunity to work on their writing, drawing and communication skills every week in Newspaper Club.
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Terrace Elementary School fourth grade students in Mr. Patenaude's PE class had fun with a pedometer this past week.
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Terrace fifth graders in Mr. Becker's class learned a new way to solve division problems this week.
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Terrace Elementary School third graders in Ms. Bell's literacy class enjoyed solving a riddle and learning how to be a good friend this week.
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Terrace Elementary School fourth graders in Ms. Prost's music class spent time becoming familiar with Quaver Education, the district's online music program, this week.
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Staff and D62 Administrators welcomed Terrace Elementary School students to the 2024-2025 school year on Tuesday, August 20.
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On May 14, the fourth graders of Terrace Elementary School put on their very own live wax museum!
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The kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders performed their spring musical on April 11 in the "Terrace Barnyard."
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Terrace Elementary students in the Structured Teaching Education Program (STEP) were recently treated to a visit from therapy dogs.
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Fourth grade students in Ms. Mary Prost's music class spent time learning all about the Star Spangled Banner recently.
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Beloved author and cookie enthusiast Bob Shea visited students virtually at Terrace this week.
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The kindergarten students at Terrace visited the Library Media Center (LMC) this week and were treated to a book called Don't Hug Doug.
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Ms. Cari Tripoli's kindergarten students incorporate math concepts into each day in a variety of ways.
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First graders at Terrace Elementary School had the opportunity to choose books from the school's rolling library cart recently.
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Terrace third, fourth and fifth graders recently performed a musical called "American Voices."
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Terrace fourth graders had a fun English assignment in which they could take a classic fairy tale and put their own spin on it.
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Children's author Liesl Shurtliff visited Terrace Elementary School this past week.
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Fifth graders in Mr. Patenaude's PE class had the chance to learn about and practice for the PACER Test this week.
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3rd-5th grader students participate weekly in the Terrace School Running Club.
- Terrace
Terrace News is a student-led broadcast that is shown in classrooms each morning.
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This week 5th grade students in Mr. Becker's math class participated in a frog hopping multiplication exercise.
- Terrace
Students were able to get outside in PE class on Tuesday and had the option to walk, jog or run with their friends.
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Terrace welcomed back 1st-5th grade students this week as well as new kindergarten students.
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We introduce you to Terry, Terrace Elementary School's newest tree that was planted in April in honor
of Arbor Day.
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Under the guidance and direction of Music teacher Mary Prost students performed in multiple signing and dancing acts.
- Terrace
Student Council hosted a Cereal Food Drive to donate back to the Des Plaines Food Pantry.
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Students learned about Author, Dr. Seuss and his classic art style used in all of his published books.
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